Life is what happens when you're busy making plans

If you didn't know, Folk was named Folk because we didn't want to lose our identity as a collective of people in place of a brand. We're not just an agency, we are a family of professionals.

We do not offer to create communication for clients, we create connections between brands and businesses, and their tribes.

Connection, not communication.

But what does any of this have to do with dreaming?

Well, you may or may not have heard about our purposeful leadership event coming up this October, called Fibre.

The concept? Offering an experience exclusively for leaders who play out their working lives directing the commerce or marketing of discerning brands, which would give them the tools to dive deeper into their vision, and be inspired and guided into a space of purpose.

Unfortunately, our efforts to launch the event fell short of the attention it required, and our dream was not to be. Well, not just yet anyway.

Due to unforeseen circumstance we've made the decision to delay Fibre until 2015, and allow ourselves the time, space and resource to launch with the bang it deserves.

These decisions are always difficult, especially considering the effort and passion that the team dedicated to the idea, there's no denying.

Luckily for us, we're dreamers, we're creatives and we're idea addicts and that means we can look beyond what's right here, right now.

We live and work by a set of values at Folk, and we understand that life is defined by the choices we make.

Because of this, we've decided to accept the situation rather than be defeated by it, and choose purpose to help drive us forward instead of allowing our own stories to hold us back.

Instead of letting these past efforts fall at the wayside, we've going to throw ourselves into something entirely new and brilliant which we can share with you in the way originally wanted to.

Our inspirational Karma Dinners will continue each month (you can sign-up for September's & October's below), but keep your eyes peeled for our next adventure too.

Our intention was always to create an unforgettable experience for our tribe, and so that is what we will do - though the style is subject to life's dealings.

We'd like to say a big thank you to everyone who helped Fibre along it's journey this far, and we look forward to welcoming you to its launch next year.


September 25th Karma Dinner, with Paul Martin

October 30th Karma Dinner, with tbc