Have you got an emotional strategy?

In a world where we know from top neurologists that 90% of people's consumer behaviours are driven by their emotional brain, as leaders we need to define what our emotional strategy is before we even touch content, marketing, digital or tech.

It doesn't matter what you are selling - luxury lifestyle or not, if you want brand awareness, engagement and conversion from your tribe, an emotional strategy allows you to break through noise, offer something to belong to and take an action.

This is the shift to mattering over marketing, stories over selling and emotional intelligence over logic and it's what is driving and defining how we at Folk work with our clients to build their tribes.

It's time to do things differently. We can no longer define where we want to talk or find our customers to grow market share. We can no longer only talk eCommerce platforms in the hope that that will change everything for our businesses. We've pivoted so that you can too.

Companies who grow faster than anyone in the future will be the ones with the most emotional intelligence to build and nurture tribes of people who believe in what you stand for.

If you're looking for a new approach to move the needle and you're willing to learn as you go with passionate digital-first tribe of storytellers who want to lead with people-led insights to make things that make a difference, you're in the right place.